FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What does this really consist of?

Personal training sessions are open-purpose sessions for various uses dependent upon a client’s interest and goals.
Once a client has warmed up (preferably before the session time), a series of exercises will be administered. These are often in a circuit format, depending upon a client’s goals. Usually the exercises include some degree of weight lifting as lifting weights has the unique benefits of building muscle, strengthening bones (thus fighting osteoporosis), and elevating heart rate when used as part of a circuit.

More advanced clients will use free weights and may perform agility or plyometric work.

How are sessions planned?

Sessions depend entirely upon an individual’s goals. Most individuals benefit from circuit training (a series of different exercises performed in series).

Beginner workouts will often look very similar regardless of goals, as the intent is to build a base level of fitness. Workouts for advanced athletes may vary widely.

Do I need more than a few sessions?

This depends upon your goals. An individual who just wants to be taught a few workouts may only want two or three sessions. Another individual may want training advice and practice on a specific technical lift such as the squat or deadlift. Those looking for ongoing, guided, progressive training, however, will want more sessions. A body in motion tends to stay in motion, and Jo can help you build and keep your fitness inertia.

When thinking about your goals, please remember the difference between ‘workout design’ and ‘program design’. Jo Ann can give you workouts here and there, but to make real progress requires variation and progression (and a lot of hard work). This means variation in training style, specific exercises performed, rest intervals, speed, and other variables. Progression is a matter of adding work through additional reps, additional weight, or other modifications.


How do we check progress?

Progress is checked in several ways. These include body composition and measurements (weight, body fat percentage, waist, bicep or other size, etc.) as well as functional fitness, meaning the ability to execute a workout or exercise. We also try to ensure a solid understanding of the interaction between various measurements. From month one to month two, an individual’s weight could stay the same, but if the body fat percentage has gone from 23% to 19% then progress is clearly being made. Functional fitness is a comparison of beginning workouts or exercises against current workouts or exercises. Someone who starts off able to perform eight (8) push-ups and can perform 22 a month later is gaining strength and making progress.

I have issues with my ____ (back, knees, ankles, etc.). Can I still work out?

People with pain and weakness it certain body parts can still exercise, though their workouts often need to be modified. However, if you are experiencing pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, or other medical issues we ask that you check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. In extreme cases we may ask to speak with your doctor for specific recommendations, and a sign-off will be required.

I have never worked out before. Do I need a personal trainer?

First, congratulations on deciding to start exercising! It will bring a great deal of new energy and vibrancy to your life. That said, this is one of the best and most important times to have someone help you. A trainer can help you to know how to start, teach you to use the machines (and those often-scary free weights), encourage you to continue, and help you get the most from your new decision.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept PayPal Send Money, most major credit cards, cash, and personal check.

Are you insured?

We are insured through the Philadelphia Insurance Company’s Fitness and Wellness Insurance.


More to come…

Jo eats, breathes, and sleeps holistic wellness. She is a fitness and performance coach as well as a nutrition coach. She was a three sport varsity athlete, has won Maryland State Championships in both powerlifting and strongman, and has been invited to compete at the national level.


“What Jo proposes works,” says Craig, “I was so impressed with her nutritional plan, that I signed up for her online fitness training program.”



Jo is so hands-on and encouraging!  She knows what she’s talking about and was able to tailor everything for my schedule and needs



“That’s one thing I love about working with Jo -- she so responsive to feedback, “ says Mona, “Knowing that I found power-lifting boring, Jo designed my weekly routines so that none of my trainings were ever exactly the same. Every workout is kinda a surprise,”

Air Force Major


“She trains you tough, but is very sensitive to your limits. She never, ever makes you feel bad about yourself.”

College Professor